Text for Pimsleur Russian

UPDATE – August 2014:

If you want the text for Pimsleur Russian (I, II and III) we have them available for $10 each. It was a lot of work for my friend to put them together and check them, and I think it’s fair that she be compensated for that. Plus, struggling with the difficult situation in Ukraine this year, she can use all the help she can get. For information, just email me at educationexperts@hotmail.com or visit our website for learning Russian: elearnrussian.com

And Pimsleur and their lawyers have suddenly gotten nasty again, sending this email:

This is a verified DMCA Removal Request from Attributor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I certify under penalty of perjury, that I am an agent authorized to act on behalf of the Rights Holder identified below, the owner of certain intellectual property rights in the Work(s) identified below.

I have a good faith belief that the information contained in this notice is accurate, and that the page or material listed below is not authorized by the Rights Owner, its agents, or the law for use by the individual(s) associated with the identified page listed below or their agents.

To the extent that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the European Union’s Directive on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society (2001/29/EC), and/or other laws and regulations relevant in European Union member states or other jurisdictions apply to your service, if at all, I HEREBY DEMAND THAT YOU ACT EXPEDITIOUSLY TO REMOVE OR DISABLE ACCESS TO THE PAGE(S) OR MATERIAL(S) at the Infringing URL(s) identified below.

Note that in some cases the pages/material may have been removed after the sending of this notice but prior to your review.

My contact information is as follows:

Organization name: Attributor Corporation as agent for Simon & Schuster Inc.
Email:  counter-notice@attributor.com
Phone: 650-340-9601
Mailing address:
400 South El Camino Real
Suite 650,
San Mateo, CA 94402

Nothing contained in this letter or in any attachments constitutes a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy possessed by the Rights Holder, or any affiliated party, all of which are expressly reserved.

My electronic signature follows:
/Eraj Siddiqui/
Eraj Siddiqui
Attributor, Inc.


Infringing page/material that I demand be disabled or removed in consideration of the above:

Rights Holder: Simon & Schuster

Original Work: Russian I, Comprehensive
Infringing URL: http://elearnrussian.com/audio/Pimsleur_Russian_1_Lesson-01-s01-ct20.mp3
Infringing URL: http://elearnrussian.com/audio/Pimsleur_Russian_1_Lesson-01-s01.mp3
Infringing URL: http://elearnrussian.com/Pimsleur_Russian_1_Lesson-01-11s.mp3

Original Work: Russian I Lessons 1 to 10
Infringing URL: http://elearnrussian.com/Pimsleur_Russian_1_Lesson-01.mp3

…needless to say, I deleted the files which isn’t a big deal anyway, since people looking for the text already have the audio files.

UPDATE – Feb 2013:

We’ve now started a new audio series for learning Russian where you learn 30 new words in each 30 minute audio. Have a listen:  30-30_01 – Your First 30 Russian Words

UPDATE – June 2012 :

I now understand exactly why Russian friends of mine and other people never managed to type of Pimsleur Russian. It’s incredibly boring for them and they know it’s not good Russian so can’t see the point. Thus, it took a lot of begging and pleading to get it done.

We now have the text for all 3 levels of Pimsleur Russian, and I think it’s only fair to pay her for her time, thus I now ask for $10 for each level. As a thank you, I’ll also pass on other material to help you learn Russian. You can get it  here: Text for Pimsleur Russian

UPDATE – June 2011 :

If you’re looking for the transcript or text for Pimsleur Russian I, you can get all of it here: Text for Pimsleur Russian

We’re now working on the text for Pimsleur Russian II.  If you comment below then we can send it to you when it’s ready.

UPDATE – 2010 : A nasty letter from Pimsleur’s lawyers which shutdown my website!!

Well, that was interesting!!!  Here’s the letter from Pimsleur’s lawyers to me via my hosting service, PowWeb.  Because I didn’t check my mail and take action within 48 hours, they did in fact shutdown my website. (It’s back online now.)

Dear Mr. Brock:

I write on behalf of my client,  Simon & Schuster, Inc. (the “Rights Owner”) the owner of the rights to the PIMSLEUR® Language Programs and under penalty of perjury, the information contained herein is accurate and true.

To the extent that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c) (the “DMCA”) applies to your service, if at all, we are notifying you of infringement at the following location:


We have a good faith belief that this material is not authorized by the Rights Owner, its agents or the law.  Such copying and use of this material constitutes clear infringement of the Rights Owner’s copyrights under the Copyright Act, including the DMCA, and its counterpart laws around the world.

As we diligently protect the Rights Owner’s properties in all forms of media, we hereby request the immediate removal of this content.  Should you need additional information, please contact me at the number or email listed below.

Nothing in this letter shall be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy possessed by the Rights Owner, or any other affected party, all of which are expressly reserved.

Sincerely Yours,

Mallory Levitt

Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, Intellectual Property
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
P: 212-975-3633
F: 212-975-0114


Lisa Cattan
Michael Buccino
Online Enforcement Clerks


WOW, eh?  That’s almost as good as getting a letter from Bill himself saying stop using pirated copies of my Microsoft!

So, I got the opportunity for a reply:

Dear all,
My apologies for infringing on any copyrights but I was simply putting up some material which is readily available elsewhere on the internet.  I’m rather surprised that you managed to have my website shutdown so quickly yet the sources where I got the material remain operating.

It’s not really an important matter for me, except that it’s quite annoying to have had my website shutdown.  You should pass on some advice to your client, Pimsleur, and suggest they provide the text which people are looking for.  They could make money selling it and save money by not paying expensive legal beagles to run around stomping on small fish.

Best regards,

So, I have to apologize that I can’t provide you with the text for Pimsleur Russian in a simple straight forward manner, but if you leave a comment below I will email you the text. It’s a simple Word file with the text along with our comments and notes since some of the Russian isn’t the best.

If you want a bunch of great material (audio AND text) to help you learn Russian, you’re just a click away.

There’s also a lot of great material to learn Russian with movies. Come for a visit!

42 comments so far

  1. david on

    could you let me know where i might go to get a transcript of the russian lessons?
    i’d be msot grateful


  2. qad on

    Hi Brian,
    Are you still able to share the transcripts?

    • brian99 on

      Yes, I can share what I have, and haven’t been bothered by them anymore, trying to shut down my website. 🙂
      I haven’t done much of it yet, but perhaps can try now that I’m in Ukraine and can get help from friends here. I’ll get back to you next week some time with what I have.

  3. Tyler Tolton on

    If the offer is still available I’d love to have information about the transcripts. You’re the second hit on Google for “Pimsleur Transcripts Russian”

    • brian99 on

      Hey, nice to know we’re near the top in Google! I didn’t yet get it done, since it was more holiday than work in Ukraine, but will start working on it now. Just wondering if people would be willing to pay 5 or 10 dollars for it? I’d like to pay people in Ukraine for doing the work. Seems unfair for us to get it for free. Plus, I can then get someone to do it quickly rather than waiting for me to finally find time and then wait for friends to check it when they have time.

  4. Manek on

    Hi I would love the Russian Pimsleur transcripts. Cheers

  5. Ricky on

    Hello Brian,

    I would be greatly indebted to you if you could be so kind as to share the transcripts to “the” russian lessons. I am a beginner in Russian, and am having difficulty with the reading part.


    • brian99 on

      Hi Ricky,
      Are you referring to “the” russian lessons, as in the name that isn’t spoken? 😉 (Pimsleur) I’m afraid I still haven’t found the motivation to do them since I find them boring compared to so much else that’s available. And btw, I fixed the links about to our new website: http://elearnrussian.com
      I’ll also send an email to others who expressed interest in getting the transcripts and if you’re all willing to pay 10 or 20 dollars, I’ll ask a friend how much she wants to get paid to do it for you.

  6. brian99 on

    Here’s a reply from Manek with a link for some Pimsleur Russian text and apparently there are many versions so it’s not a simple solution.
    Hi Brian,
    Thanks for the mail. Actually the problem is that there are many Pimsleur versions of Russian, so that is a starting issue. Also I managed to find a website where they were available (transcripts) so I cut and pasted them.
    At the moment I am also doing Pimsleur french so I am developing its transcripts.

    • brian99 on

      Update 2012 – We’ve now collected all the transcripts for lessons 1-30 of Pimsleur Russian I and compiled them into one Word file. At the Master Russian blog, they’re all over the place within one thread and it’s mainly a summary of each lesson. You can get them here: http://elearnrussian.com/text-pimsleur-russian.htm (by emailing me) or comment below and I’ll email them to you.

    • Alex on

      Did you develop a transcript for Pimsleur French I?
      Thank you,

      • brian99 on

        Sorry, we haven’t done the transcript for Pimsleur French or other languages.

  7. tkemery on

    Yes, I would love to have the text for as many of the Pimsleur lessons that you would be able to readily lead me to. And I would certainly appreciate it. I actually don’t need a recap of all the dialogue, but only the infinitive form of the verbs used. Since my Russian is pretty decent “intermediate” I can understand the vast majority of the dialogue, but when I tried looking up some of the verb forms as to what they sounded like, I could not find all of the correct forms in Russian. So, what I am looking for is actually just the Russian spelling of the verbs used; the rest I can manage easily.

    A friend of mine recently bought the infamous Rosetta Stone course for Russian. What do you think of it?
    Thanks for your help and a good blog!

    • brian99 on

      Hi Tom, thanks for your comment. We never did bother to write them out since they’re apparently different for different versions. Quite a lot can be found at masterrussian.com in their forum, but it won’t efficiently give you what you’re looking for. Do you have a good list of Russian verbs? And one that’s computer based so it will help you find the infinitive based on various forms? I can perhaps help you there.

      As for Rossetta Stone (as with Pimsleur) I’m not a big fan. RS is still essentially a ‘flash card’ system working on conscious memory which simply isn’t as effective as intuitive learning and ‘right brain’ learning. Dialogues with text is still the best way to go, and it needs to be as simple and natural as possible, which Pimsleur doesn’t really do. If you like, I’ll send you some samples of our material that we’re putting together for our members.

  8. brian99 on

    Hi everyone who’s looking for Pimsleur Russian text.
    If you leave a comment here I will email you a copy. And hopefully you’re not a legal beagle from Simon & Schuster chasing small fish again. 🙂

  9. Frank on

    Hello there,
    I’m also looking for a transcripted version of Pimsleur Russian !
    If anybody can send me an email, I’d appreciate !
    Thank you!

    • brian99 on

      Hi Frank (and others),
      I finally managed to get a friend to type out all the text for Pimsleur Russian I and said I would ask people for a $10 donation which I would give to her. It’s pretty small compensation for her effort, so I hope you don’t mind. Just comment here or send me an email and I’ll pass it on to you.

  10. Victor S. Alpher on

    Hello Brian,

    I am using a variety of learning materials, much of which I get in Germany. I’m getting better at spelling. Your transcript would be of much help to me durng my struggles. I just came back from 2 weeks in Odessa and can say that each system has something to offer. I look forward to receipt of your email. Tell me where and how to send the donation.

    • brian99 on

      Thanks Victor, an email is on its way. Cheers.

  11. Chris on

    I’m looking for the transcript to Russian 1. Could you email it to me, or let me know where I can find it on the web?
    Thank you .

    • brian99 on

      Hi Chris,
      I’ve sent you an email. If you don’t receive it, send me another message here. Cheers, Brian

  12. Randy on

    hey I just got the pimsleur program but i noticed that not having the transcripts was a problem

    my email is : randycarcamo93@gmail.com

    thank you :>

  13. Clive on

    Excellent and very valuable. Many thanks

  14. jake on

    sir please email me those pimsleur Russian transcript…tQ..^^

  15. Mac on

    Hello Brian, I’m not sure if you are still active here but I would greatly appreciate the Russian Pimsleur Transcripts if you still have them. Thank you!

    • brian99 on

      Hi Mac, yes, I had a friend type them all out and offer them for $10 each on my website elearnrussian.com.

  16. Cenk on

    Hi Brian,
    I also discovered the beauty in the russian language and culture and that’s why I started to learn this language. At the moment I’m struggling with the Pimsleurs Method and by so far I used the master russian forum to have some sort of a transcript. Though I would really appreciate if you could send me your version of the transcript as many users here speak highly of it. Thank you!

    • brian99 on

      We’re most happy to help. 🙂

  17. Nick Johnson on


    I am also using for Pimsleur and looking for an accompanying text. Thank You!


  18. Jiselle on

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get a copy of the Pimsleur Russian I text?

  19. Bob Hamilton on

    Accompanying text for Pimslour Russian would be amazing, that would be a wonderful help:).

    • brian99 on

      Thanks, Bob. I’ve sent you an email with info on getting the text.

  20. mt on

    Dear brian99,

    I would be very grateful if you could send me it too, I really need this documents for my study. my mail account is


    Thank you very much in advance.

  21. Catherine Schmidt on

    Hi Brian,
    Do you still have the Pimsleur Russian I, II and III texts available? I have some, but it’s incomplete (e.g., in Russian II, Lessons 22-30 are missing).
    In advance, thank you,

    • brian99 on

      Yes, we still have them. I’ll send you an email with information on how to get them.

  22. Nick on


    Also interested in the transcripts!


  23. Alain on

    Interested in the transcripts too. Thanks in advance.

  24. William on

    Hi. I would pay $10 for the text.

  25. Frederick Patton on

    Are you still in business for P. transcripts?
    Thanks, Fred Patton fpatton@wcupa.edu

    • brian99 on

      Yes, we’re still around and have transcripts for PR.

  26. Ed Hendershot on

    Hi, please send me then instructions on getting the Russian transcripts. osuksu@comcast.net. Thanks

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